A bustling, world class destination anchored by some of the world’s finest sports facilities, supported by shopping, entertainment venues & dining.

Welcome to Five Points West!

Our goal is to create a diverse and relevant organization of stakeholders. In an effort to move the business district forward, we encourage all to work together to make Five Points West the destination stop for locals and visitors.

For more information, contact the

Birmingham Department of Community Development at 205-254-2309

or email housingandcommunityinfo@birminghamal.gov.

5 Points West/Crossplex Business Alliance, Inc.

Welcome to Five Points West!

Our goal is to create a diverse and relevant organization of stakeholders. In an effort to move the business district forward, we encourage all to work together to make Five Points West the destination stop for locals and visitors.

Building Stronger Businesses.

It is a pleasure to greet citizens, residents, merchants, entrepreneurs, and all stakeholders residing and doing business in Five Points West! We are the ultimate gateway to building the bond between the Five Points West Community and its businesses.

Let’s build the bond between the Five Points West Community and its businesses.